Our China Doll ;)

Our China Doll ;)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Junk mail?

So, I get home and immediately send Kels to the mailbox. I prayed waaay too hard today for NO answers :) She comes in and says " We didn't get any mail today!" What?? Then my hubby gets home 2 hours later. He says "So, was that the letter we have been waiting for??" "What letter??" The one on the bed... he came home and got the mail today! And YES- it IS the letter. Little white envelope- looks like junk mail. In it is the letter stating we are requesting a VISA to bring Lil home. Woo hoo! Ya Hoo! So, I immediately call our adoption case worker- in which she says "Well, more than likely- you will be traveling in the next 6- 8 weeks. 6 weeks being more real . We WILL have the biggest, best 3rd Birthday for little Lil ( Dec 8).

So, you may ask... how are you feeling? Today... scared. Worried. Yikes?? Seriously?

That also means we have to come up w/ $5,000 to give to Lil's orphanage before we get her. THAT remains a big obstacle for us. We already have 2000 left for our adioption agency, and another 3000 for travel. OK... remember-- HE can move mountains! An extra prayer or 2 would be awesome!

Good time to pray hard and worry about nothing :) God is good!

Next update = Article 5 (???) issued in 2 weeks ! Yahooo to Article 5 (whatever that is???)

Have a great week!
Love ya's!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Placement & Travel Call

When I first heard real voices talking to me... telling me/us what to expect in the near future- I broke down and started crying ( thank goodness is was via telephone and they couldn't see me). This is all so sur-real. I cannot wait to begin our life with Lil. After the first 10 minutes (48 min phone call)- my sail began to deflate. It was a "reality" call --->the good, the bad, and the ugly. What to expect. "THEIR" predictions, etc. Basically, we are to expect Lil to hate us. You know we are faith built people- so this was hard to agree and listen to. THANK YOU- Tammy & Cory- for building the sail up and letting us know all things are possible... and we CAN do this! Back to very excited- and prepped. Lil will be taken out of her foster home she has been in for over 2 years ( the family she has grown to love) a week before we get there- and tossed into a "institute/orphange" to prep her?? Trying to grasp that one. We get her our 2nd day of 13 there. Got her eating, sleeping, diet, etc. So.... the words we are ready for ... MOVE THAT BUS in the way ( a few more legalities) and let us begin!

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

One step closer... ;)

Every day is something new. Some come with great anticipation--- others-- disappointment. But, we have learned to be content in all situations! At when we expect nothing--- waa laaa.... Notification today that we have a conference call (China consult, Washington adoption rep, social worker and us) next Thursday as to "what to expect on our upcoming China trip". Ok,so it's soon. Real soon! I should have questions ready. Any ??'s for me to ask? Question 1- Is there ANY other way to get up those 3000 steps at the Great Wall... cuz this big butt isn't going for that?? Others....?

Meanwhile, we ask that you say a prayer for little Lil. Her recent pics (which we don't look at anymore) showed a VERY sad, sunken eyed baby girl. We KNOW that will change- it is always darkest before the dawn, Lil. We ask that our good Lord wrap His arms around her- and feel all our love! "Til the next call....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Poem for Lilly.. from Uncle Bob


A tiny pair of shoes sits lonely on the bed
A closet filled with outfits hangs silently in wait
Every piece of cloth every single thread
Waiting for this child God has made
To come into our home
And find the love she’s never known

Lilly is so far away and we want her so
Soon our faith will be met with promise
We want the world to know
She is priceless and precious
No matter how her life began
She will never be without love again

How many days we have waited for the day
Hours of work here and across the world
All so that someday we may
Share our love and life with this little girl
Knowing that God will take us through
Everything He has brought us to

Those that know us and those that love us too
We pray that you will always be
There to pray and support us in all we do
From the moment we cross the sea
And always in accordance with God’s word
So that her faith will never be deterred

Lilly you will always know of joy and peace
And a love that will only increase
As you grow in your years
We will guide you through all your fears
We will always be there for you
In everything you learn and everything you do