Our China Doll ;)

Our China Doll ;)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Holy cats!!

We crossed a MAJOR hurdle today! Our letter of acceptance is confirmed and sealed delivery to us by the Chinese Consult. { little misty eyed as I write this...}

What does that mean? It means:
1. We can now start sending our baby girl packages, letters, pictures, scents from "home". Lilly's caretakers will now start prepping her for her new home, family, and Mom (mama) and Dad (baba) ;)

2. China has accepted us into their country- and found us to be the perfect fit for Lilly ;)

3. We are 3 steps from traveling. Though the agency kept stating JANUARY- we KNEW in our hearts it was November. Todays phone call " Rarely do things ever progress so smoothly- you are looking at ... uhmmm... November?" or sooner. Thank you, Lord ;)

OK- Since September is next week- my heart skips a few beats now.....

HUGE milestone!

So... how does one sleep between now and then? Printed off the "to pack " list- suitcases come out this weekend. Literally- the call comes and we could be traveling the next week ;) Yikes!

I sometimes wonder how crazy it is... to fall soooo in love with a little girl I have never met? Yet, I believe in destiny- I believe in God's will- and I KNOW why we love her so very much. She is our daughter... and a precious gift! We ARE Blessed!

Are we ready? I think so. I will be rapidly updating the blog ( esp as we travel- you will be the first to see pics and video of our baby girl. -From here on in- we pretty much "overnight " express send finalized documents. The race is on ;)

Sending all our groupies- family n friends- giant hugs! Love ya's!

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