Our China Doll ;)

Our China Doll ;)

Monday, November 1, 2010


Yahoooo~~ It's November ! November is National Adoption Month. We celebrate all the friends and family who have adopted :) THANK YOU for making a difference in a child's life!

As for our adoption... we wait ! I thought for sure we would have heard SOMETHING today? Not yet! I woke up feeling like a little kid at Christmas. Now Daddy? Can we have it now? And then..... 10 minutes later - I find myself in prayer again "How about now, Daddy??" My good Lord is smiling and shaking His head at me. I am behaving like my 22 eight year olds . THAT must make me a better teacher---> feeling what they feel all the time, right?

I just know that it is all in good time... HIS time! Until then , I am going home to have a family dinner and spend some good family time with the gifts I have! I am forever thankful... for you, for friends and family who always stand by us and never let us down! YOU are a piece of Heaven ! God Bless!

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