Our China Doll ;)

Our China Doll ;)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The past week home has been incredible! Our family is soo Blessed-- Lilly is such a sweetheart- and she is a TOTAL fit into our family!

The bummer part is her health... her heart. Next week we will begin a series of very intense hospital visits to the state children's hospital. They are the best of the best~ God equipped them with knowledge and skill this school teacher lacks. We pray they mend this baby girl's heart ~ and we get much more time w/ her.

Love and hugs to all....

1 comment:

  1. I can tell you, you are correct. Children's hospital in Milwaukee is the best. My daughter had her brain surgery there when she was just 4 months old. I pray God continues to bless your family and holds your hand through this journey with Lilly. No matter the outcome, she was blessed to have you as a mom.
