Our China Doll ;)

Our China Doll ;)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday update

We received our call at 6:13 pm today~ our dossier has been accepted and "logged in" China TODAY! What does that all mean???? Not sure :(

This is all so new to us. We know in the next month or two we will receive our "Letter of Confirmation" from the Chinese consult stating that we truly are a fit family for Lilly--- and we can start sending her care packages and pictures to our baby girl. Given the time frame our adoption agency & social worker gives us... we are still thinking November ( it can flucuate 3-4 months either way). Our hearts have always felt November-- but my prayer would be before her 3rd Birthday December 8th ;)

Oh, Happy Friday---> we celebrate one day closer to meeting you Lillian Grace! You are soo loved already! It is already 7:28 am Saturday by you/her-- good mornin' sunshine... may someone hold you and give you a giant hug from us today~ LOVE YOU!

Have a great weekend!

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