Our China Doll ;)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The bummer part is her health... her heart. Next week we will begin a series of very intense hospital visits to the state children's hospital. They are the best of the best~ God equipped them with knowledge and skill this school teacher lacks. We pray they mend this baby girl's heart ~ and we get much more time w/ her.
Love and hugs to all....
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Day 8 - "In China"
Today was amazing! What a great day in China :)
We all slept until 6:30 am -- woohoo! The breakfast was incredible-- and even more incredible- it was FILLED with USA families and their new little ones. Conversations and smiles everywhere.
At 10:00 we boarded our bus to go get Lil's passport photos and medical exams. The exam office was crazy. We had 4 areas to bring her through-- height & weight, ENT ,TB test/injection, and lastly, medical/surgery . We were nervous -
1. Height & Weight-- so she's a runt-- but we lOVE her !
2. ENT- all looked good
3. TB- Daddy held her for the injection- I held her head - watching their face change from soo happy to fear crushes me.
4. Med-- first thing they did was look over her paperwork. Downs? They have another name for it. Then... the doc listened to her heart. And listened to her heart. And listened to her heart. Then he went to get another doc. He listened to her heart. Listened to her heart. Listened to her heart. The 2 talked several minutes. They make notes on the paperwork ( in Chinese ) and tell us-- OK- move on.
So, I wanna throw up. Literally. Or cry. I find out translator- and ask her to read the medical report. She said "Oh, JinYu has a heart murmur- and it is a 2. Never are they concerned unless it is over a 3. " Oh THANK YOU LORD! We will have her thoroughly examined when we get back. But- right now- we are just thankful!
Then we had 2 hours to walk about shops. They are soo friendly. We got Lil several authentic dresses-- they are like $4.00 - $20.00. She will be so beautiful in them :) Our China doll!
Then - back to the hotel. Quick run to McD's . Then-- We had to get all our laundry bagged up and sent out. Then I had to go do the final paperwork-- but I must say- the most stressful paperwork. 2 hours. Done! The 4 other families from "our" group are very nice-
Now it is 5 pm. We are going to order our Lilly's 3rd Birthday cake. She has a lot of new friends ( families of adopted children we have met) who we invited to our room Wednesday to have our Birthday party :)
Tomorrow (Sunday for us) is a guided touring date. We are going to a safari . We will be gone for most of the day-- but will look for you on Skype or Gmail. We are feeling abundantly Blessed right now--- both girls ( & my baby boy back home) are such gifts from God! Thank you for trusting them to us !
Hope all is well back home! Can't wait for you to meet our new addition!
Lisa & Bill
And when Esau lifted up his eyes and saw the women and children, he said, “Who are these with you?” Jacob said, “The children whom God has graciously given your servant.”
(Genesis 33:5 ESV)
Friday, November 26, 2010
And we're off.....
Hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for!
Our Sweet Little Lilly~
One last road to travel
One last way to go
One more day to forever
Just to let you know
The wait is finally over
The journey now is through
So now this comes to let you know...
Dreams really do come true.
We are coming to get you Little Girl!
We love you <3
'Til our update in China~ have a beautiful day & Be Blessed!! We love you!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Amazing grace...
In 6 days, Little Lil will be with us! Sad, Scared, Fragile... But the good Lord is with us. We have seen the power and miracles of God-- we are forever changed.
As soon as we get Lil- I will be able to post pictures . For her safety.. they have required us to take them off her until we get her. Get ready my friends... she is awfully cute !!
We will take many prayers Friday-into Sunday on our long journey to China! We are ready!!
Love you's!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The bus is movin....
Hi Lisa, this is Heidi. Are you sitting down?
Yup! What's up?
Well, we have your travel approval. That is awesome news-- congratulations.
OK... what does that exactly mean?
Well, it means they gave you five dates you prioritize and choose....
Heidi- seriously? Yesterday wasn't soon enough. We'll take the 1st available date :)
OK... well- then I guess you are leaving next week !
OK... ok...
Heidi will be confirming our date w/ our China agent-- barring any over bookings or problems- we are scheduled to leave next Friday! Yup-- Black Friday-- or beautiful colorful Friday for us! We will arrive in her province on Sunday - and they bring Lilly to us 1st thing Monday morning- and turn her over to us .
So- 2 weeks from today- we will have the little girl -- that has felt so surreal to us -to have and to hold! Oh- she will be so loved and taken care of ! She has no idea how loved.... what a precious gift from God she is !
Lil will get her US Visa on her 3rd Birthday (the final appointment and step on the trip) -- and we are approved to leave right after.
So-- we pray , friends. Somehow, someway- God has and continues to move mountains. We are FULL of joy and happiness. We are filled with anxiety as we know we have a week and a half to get the final money together - $500 for medical expenses and roughly $4000 for airfare .
We look ahead at the next chapter God has written for us. It all works out- it has and it will :)
Selfishly, we ask for prayers. Prayers for His hand.. His will... His work to be done! Our confirmation phone call SHOULD be coming tomorrow (as soon as she tells our China agent which date(s) we selected and they nod in agreement)-- we book our flight and move that bus!
We thank you for your continued love and support! We love you's!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
So on a positive note we did receive our China visa's, our queen bed downstairs has everything laid out and ready to pack (including the Jif peanut butter and Hershy's bars), meds are ready, and we are very ready for our breakthough! I look around at all we have-- we are all very Blessed!
Even though our timeline is not looking like I had planned I am not giving up HOPE that we will be eating turkey with Chopsticks!!!
Found this incredible story - thought I would share:
My Adoption Story
I don't know if I have ever shared my adoption story with you all so I thought today maybe I should.
I was adopted at the age of 30 years old into the most amazing family ever.
Statistics show that I was the least likely to be adopted.
I was the child who had waited- far too long- to hear the good news.
I was the child who waited because I had one too many labels, made one too many mistakes, and was viewed as unlikely to succeed.
I was the child who most believed was not worthy of the risk...
not worthy of the effort...
and not worthy of the price.
I was the the child who most people would have never considered.
The child with scars, the child who was dirty, the child who didn't appear to have much potential.
But then one day they told me about The One who was able to see past all of that.
The One who loved me regardless of the mistakes I had made.
The One who saw what I could be- instead of what I was.
The One who thought I was worth it all- so much so that He was willing to die for me.
The One who saw my worth.
The One who saw my potential.
The One who saw what I could be- if I was given a chance.
The One who never gave up on me.
I am so thankful for The One who paid the price for my adoption.
I know it was expensive.
I know it cost more than anyone could ever imagine.
I know it wasn't easy.
I know that it was painful, that it was hard and it was heart wrenching.
And I know I didn't deserve any of it.
But He came for me anyway...
Regardless of what others would say or think.
Regardless of all of the work that had to be done.
Regardless that there was no guarantee I would love Him back.
Regardless of the cost.
And today I am forever changed.
I am no longer alone, scared, scarred, overlooked and viewed as no one.
Today I am a child to the king~ precious, loved, forgiven, healed, whole.
All because of my adoption.
Adoption is the perfect picture of God's amazing grace and love.
It changes lives and saves souls.
Adoption is...
the heart of God.
So today-- God - I ask that you open doors. May resources be shown for the remaining $5,600 we need, and the call come TODAY that we need to move those mountains and get Lil home! We are forever thankful for all you have abundantly Blessed us with! In Jesus' name...
Monday, November 1, 2010
As for our adoption... we wait ! I thought for sure we would have heard SOMETHING today? Not yet! I woke up feeling like a little kid at Christmas. Now Daddy? Can we have it now? And then..... 10 minutes later - I find myself in prayer again "How about now, Daddy??" My good Lord is smiling and shaking His head at me. I am behaving like my 22 eight year olds . THAT must make me a better teacher---> feeling what they feel all the time, right?
I just know that it is all in good time... HIS time! Until then , I am going home to have a family dinner and spend some good family time with the gifts I have! I am forever thankful... for you, for friends and family who always stand by us and never let us down! YOU are a piece of Heaven ! God Bless!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Another step checked off...
Please pray for us- we are working through the final pushes and labor pains !
Hi, Lisa & Bill!
I was notified that because of the holiday, your article 5 was not issued until today. It was picked up and sent to the CCAA, so you should receive your travel notice in about 2 weeks. I apologize, we were under the impression that the Article 5’s would be processed in the typical timeframe, and they did not inform us otherwise until now. I will be calling when we receive your travel notice from China! I understand this is one of the most difficult parts of the wait because you are so, so close and just want to be there. Hang in there, and you will be traveling very soon!
I’m glad to hear you received Kelsey’s passport! Please send your Chinese entry visa applications and passports and fees directly to the courier service you choose to use. There are a few suggested in the attached instructions, but you can use any service (or a family member/friend you trust) to walk in to apply. I suggest you contact them to compare prices and get their specific instructions. You can either print the forms and write the information in or you can type it and print it.
Please let me know if you have any questions! Only a few more steps!
Best wishes,
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Baby steps...no more :)
Today a major document ( our Article 5) is complete. Yesterday, my heart felt overwhelmed thinking of all the costs coming up. I have no anxiety for Lil.But all the costs - and everyday letters/emails stating "And don't forget- you need xxx amount for this, and that, etc" Then we get the mail- and some guardian angel(s) send us a check to put towards the adoption. It is a small portion compared to where we need to get.. but friends~ it was God whispering to me "My child, have I let you down yet??" So, I cast my worries... and celebrate one step closer. He moves mountains in so many unspoken ways!
So... the next step? IT'S OUR FINAL STEP ! They will be sending certified delivery of our travel date(s). The next step is the light at the end- knowing exactly when our little girl comes home. Some of you may remember my prayer from the beginning. Dear God- we just want her before her THIRD Birthday on Dec. 8th. Even when man told us it was impossible- we knew all things would be possible w/ God! Wooo hooo!!!
So... there is only one thing left to say...
We leave tomorrow for Chicago. 5 of the 7 of Bill's biological siblings will reunite. What a Blessing.... so many emotions running high in the Madsen household.
God IS GOOD :)
Have an awesome weekend :)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
'Lil News Update...
First bit of news, we now have a new traveler going to China with us. After many prayers, God clearly spoke to Bill and I on bringing Kelsey along. We called our case worker, social worker, emailed other families who traveled-- and every one of them gave us the major green light . It is truly an opportunity of a lifetime for all of us. So, off to the courthouse we went- expeditited the little girl's passport- and shared the news w/ her. Guess it was the right call when she stated , through tears, "This is the best day of my life!"
Secondly, some near and dear people to us have offered us the last $5000 in a loan (to be repaid when we are set) to give to Lilly's orphange . We were heavy hearted on how we could swing that along w/ the final costs of the adoption. Again, He moves mountains ... and He has. The donation is a requiremeet (does that qualify it has a "donation" ??)- not a generosity thing. We again have to say- what we felt was impossible- is possible with God. God is soo good.
We are now 5 weeks away ( say our hearts) from boarding that big plane and starting a new chapter in our book of life. Ohhh.. we are soo Blessed!
We await the 2 week requiremnt to receive our Article 5. Then the 3 of us apply for our China entry visa- and then... the travel date! All in Your time---- it is good.
Have a great weekend my friends! We love you!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Junk mail?
So, you may ask... how are you feeling? Today... scared. Worried. Yikes?? Seriously?
That also means we have to come up w/ $5,000 to give to Lil's orphanage before we get her. THAT remains a big obstacle for us. We already have 2000 left for our adioption agency, and another 3000 for travel. OK... remember-- HE can move mountains! An extra prayer or 2 would be awesome!
Good time to pray hard and worry about nothing :) God is good!
Next update = Article 5 (???) issued in 2 weeks ! Yahooo to Article 5 (whatever that is???)
Have a great week!
Love ya's!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Placement & Travel Call
Have a great weekend!!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
One step closer... ;)
Meanwhile, we ask that you say a prayer for little Lil. Her recent pics (which we don't look at anymore) showed a VERY sad, sunken eyed baby girl. We KNOW that will change- it is always darkest before the dawn, Lil. We ask that our good Lord wrap His arms around her- and feel all our love! "Til the next call....
Monday, September 6, 2010
Poem for Lilly.. from Uncle Bob
A tiny pair of shoes sits lonely on the bed
A closet filled with outfits hangs silently in wait
Every piece of cloth every single thread
Waiting for this child God has made
To come into our home
And find the love she’s never known
Lilly is so far away and we want her so
Soon our faith will be met with promise
We want the world to know
She is priceless and precious
No matter how her life began
She will never be without love again
How many days we have waited for the day
Hours of work here and across the world
All so that someday we may
Share our love and life with this little girl
Knowing that God will take us through
Everything He has brought us to
Those that know us and those that love us too
We pray that you will always be
There to pray and support us in all we do
From the moment we cross the sea
And always in accordance with God’s word
So that her faith will never be deterred
Lilly you will always know of joy and peace
And a love that will only increase
As you grow in your years
We will guide you through all your fears
We will always be there for you
In everything you learn and everything you do
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Holy cats!!
What does that mean? It means:
1. We can now start sending our baby girl packages, letters, pictures, scents from "home". Lilly's caretakers will now start prepping her for her new home, family, and Mom (mama) and Dad (baba) ;)
2. China has accepted us into their country- and found us to be the perfect fit for Lilly ;)
3. We are 3 steps from traveling. Though the agency kept stating JANUARY- we KNEW in our hearts it was November. Todays phone call " Rarely do things ever progress so smoothly- you are looking at ... uhmmm... November?" or sooner. Thank you, Lord ;)
OK- Since September is next week- my heart skips a few beats now.....
HUGE milestone!
So... how does one sleep between now and then? Printed off the "to pack " list- suitcases come out this weekend. Literally- the call comes and we could be traveling the next week ;) Yikes!
I sometimes wonder how crazy it is... to fall soooo in love with a little girl I have never met? Yet, I believe in destiny- I believe in God's will- and I KNOW why we love her so very much. She is our daughter... and a precious gift! We ARE Blessed!
Are we ready? I think so. I will be rapidly updating the blog ( esp as we travel- you will be the first to see pics and video of our baby girl. -From here on in- we pretty much "overnight " express send finalized documents. The race is on ;)
Sending all our groupies- family n friends- giant hugs! Love ya's!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Inquiring people wanna know....
Why is your adoption taking so long?
There is speculation that the child match process has slowed down considerably this time due to the increasing popularity of Chinese adoptions. We don't know for sure. We do know that 100,000's of children are waiting in China for loving parents. Because of the nature of any international adoption, the time frame may change... and the journey seems like forever. We know "His" timing and hand is in this, so we patiently wait for our Lilly. Oh, how precious the uniting of our addition to the family will be!
Why are there so many babies in China?
Millions of baby girls and boys are abandoned each year in China. The Chinese government allows parents to have only one child. If the mother is found pregnant, they are fined a year's wage. If the first child is a girl, they will abandon her in a safe place with hopes of having a boy in the future. Sometimes, the couple will keep the baby girl until they have a baby boy, then abandon the first child. It's very important to have a son to carry on the family name. It is the son who takes care of his parents when they are old and will carry on the family business or farming. Thousands (95 percent girls) live in orphanages and foster homes in China. If a family already has a boy and they are pregnant with the second, they are not allowed to keep that child. If they do, they will be fined. The child will not be "registered" and will not be able to attend school or get jobs as an adult. Because of the one child policy we are seeing more and more boys being referred to families as well.
We also learned that children with disabilities are viewed as a "curse" to the family. Lillian Grace is all BUT that-- she is so precious and priceless. WE feel Blessed to be called to be her family!
Why does it cost so much to adopt an orphan?
Good question. We figure Lilly's adoption will end up costing around $27,000 . We are within the final $10,000 .. and somehow, someway... it has always worked out. I can remember initially going to MANY banks and applying for a loan ( DENIED- no loans for children. Cars? Sure. Home? Sure. Yikes!) We exhausted our resources and spent nights awake wondering how on God's green earth we would do it. Now, we give thanks! It has been a trust builder, and a humbling experience. We are better people because of it! Maybe that's why it is so expensive ;)
Monday, August 16, 2010
What? No pics?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Another 2 weeks, and.....
Hi Bill and Lisa!
How is the beginning of the school year?
I followed up again with the update request, again, but still have not received any information. Things are still moving through the process. Based on other families timelines receiving their Letters of Confirmation, I anticipate yours will come early to mid September. That is my best guestimate, so it could be quicker or it could take longer. Once we have your LSC, there are several smaller steps along the way. Most families feel more like they are making forward progress as they are able to check steps off every few weeks, and the list of remaining steps gets shorter. Although you won’t be able to give specific dates until you actually have the confirmed consulate appointment, it is likely you will be ready to travel early next year. I know waiting is hard, especially when you have so little information. Hang in there!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Again- we will see.
Bill & I still feel November.... with our good Lord... ALL things are possible!
Holding tight to the thought of each day that passes being just one day closer... each and every day ;)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Another 2 weeks gone by, and.....
NOTHING :( We patiently wait - for any news. We received another round of paperwork-- around 3 sets of 10-16 pages. What else do I have to do, right?
So... no, we have no idea when our travel date(s) are.... all I can say-- it is in His time we wait. We are enjoying EVERY day along the journey! Have a great weekend!!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday update
This is all so new to us. We know in the next month or two we will receive our "Letter of Confirmation" from the Chinese consult stating that we truly are a fit family for Lilly--- and we can start sending her care packages and pictures to our baby girl. Given the time frame our adoption agency & social worker gives us... we are still thinking November ( it can flucuate 3-4 months either way). Our hearts have always felt November-- but my prayer would be before her 3rd Birthday December 8th ;)
Oh, Happy Friday---> we celebrate one day closer to meeting you Lillian Grace! You are soo loved already! It is already 7:28 am Saturday by you/her-- good mornin' sunshine... may someone hold you and give you a giant hug from us today~ LOVE YOU!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Patience Madsens......
Hi, Lisa!
I’m always glad to hear from you, but I’m sorry to say that we do not have any new news for you at this time. I followed up about your request for updated information, but sometimes orphanages are slow to respond, if they do at all. We also have not heard about a log in date, but we will be checking with the CCAA to see if they have any news. It is likely you were logged in this week!
I hope you are enjoying your summer! I will let you know as soon as I learn anything.
Best wishes,
The One w/ all the answers ....
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
July 7, 2010
Our dossier-- the many, many hours of paperwork, hard work and tears-- has been submitted to China! As soo as we are accepted- we will get our anticipated fly out date. Could be next week- could be 8 months from now. We patiently wait ;)
Day 1 ~ Where to start?
Unlike Miss Positive, energetic me... I had a little melt down . Ok- a big melt down. Bill & I sat down and talked. Talked about all those thoughts and feelings I had not yet completely understood. I shared with Bill how much I miss that little "something" in my lap... to rock, to read to, to snuggle with. The Candy Land. The crazy children's television television shows and songs. The smell of play dough. Our 11 and 18 year old frown on those things ?? We discussed our options~ we can either get a dog (not real into Candy Land or play dough??), or find a way to have another child ;) Well, 3 humane societies later, there was NO dog to be matched. Coupled with that- my 40 year old obgyn appt- my doc sharing the news with us that I knew was coming. After many years of trying, the chances of us 'biologically' having another baby were slim to none. Our journey towards Lillian Grace started. For anyone who is familiar with the adoption road.. it is long and weary road. I distinctly remember the evening sitting at a Mexican restaurant with Bill. I had told him about the countless hours I had spent researching children waiting to be adopted. When my sister became pregnant last year, our daughter suggested she call her baby Lilly. At the time, it was shrugged off, and Kelsey continued to love that name. We left the restaurant that cold, November evening- and Bill said" Hon, SHOW me what you have found on adopting a child." We couldn't get home fast enough. The countless hours of going through opictures, profiles, stories-- I had lots to share. As I quickly logged into our aol account, it stated "You have mail." The email happened to be from one of the MANY adoption agencies I had viewed "waiting children" on. It happened to be the very first email (after months of surfing) from an adoption agency- and its title read~ "Child match- Lilly needs you." We opened the email to a beautiful little African American girl. After inquiring, we found out she was a "poster child" for the many children out there waiting for a home. So, our search began. Together, we viewed countless photos of children that deserve a good, loving home. In the end, one precious face kept coming back. Our "Lilly":) I have always told Bill if I were to have a baby at 40+, and he/she had Downs syndrome... I would feel Blessed to be called Mom. Both Bill & I are 18+ years in education, and have spent many years with children with disabilities. To us-- they are not disabilities. They are abilities. As we continue our journey to Jin Yu/ Lilly... our hearts race with joy and excitement. Every day that passes is another day closer. We call it a roller coaster of a journey- but one that will be well worth the ride! We are truly Blessed!